The Main Thing, Part 3, The Bema Judgement

March 21st, 1993
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DeVern shares his concern about the importance of maintaining focus on the main purpose of life, which is to be conformed to the image of Christ and to be evaluated at the judgment seat of Christ, known as the Bema. DeVern emphasizes that while salvation is by grace, there will be an evaluation of our works. He explains that the Bema judgment is not about salvation but about the quality of our work for God. He recounts a personal experience of loss and how it led him to reflect on the nature of his service to God. DeVern encourages the audience to consider what they will offer to God at the Bema, highlighting the importance of righteous acts and the need to build a life that pleases God. He concludes by urging everyone to seek a deeper relationship with God, to be willing to sacrifice for His glory, and to prepare for the evaluation that awaits them.

Outline of Main Points

  1. Gratitude for the audience and reflection on time passed.

  2. Importance of focusing on the main purpose of life.

  3. Explanation of the Bema judgment and its significance.

  4. Personal experience of loss leading to reflection on service to God.

  5. Encouragement to consider what to offer God at the Bema.

  6. Emphasis on righteous acts and building a life that pleases God.

  7. Call to deepen relationship with God and prepare for evaluation.

Scriptures Referenced
2 Corinthians 5:10

10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

1 Corinthians 3:9

9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.

1 Corinthians 3:11

11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Revelation 3:15

15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

Revelation 19:7

7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

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