First Love and First Work

November 19th, 2023
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Summary of Sharing

The Importance of First Love and First Works

This sharing emphasizes the crucial role of "first love" and "first works" in the church, especially as we approach the end times. The speaker draws on scriptures from Revelation, Acts, and Ephesians to illustrate the nature of first love and its significance in the church.

Understanding First Love

First love is not merely the initial excitement of faith; it encompasses various aspects such as:

  • Suffering love: Willingness to endure hardship and persecution for the Lord.
  • Discerning love: Ability to distinguish truth from falsehood.
  • Uncompromising love: Refusal to compromise with the world or false teachings.
  • Distinguished love: Standing out as a true follower of Christ.
  • Steadfast love: Perseverance and endurance in faith.
  • Fervent love: Passionate and zealous devotion to the Lord.

The Example of the Ephesian Church

The church in Ephesus serves as a cautionary tale. Despite their initial zeal and spiritual maturity, they eventually drifted away from their first love, leading to a decline in their spiritual state. The speaker highlights the importance of remembering our initial devotion, repenting from any backsliding, and returning to the path of first love and first works.

The First Works of the Early Church

The early church in Jerusalem exemplified first works through their dedication to:

  • Apostolic teaching: Studying and sharing the Word of God.
  • Fellowship: Building each other up in love and unity.
  • Breaking of bread: Remembering the Lord through communion.
  • Prayers: Seeking God's will and engaging in His work.

Hope for the Church

Despite the current state of the church, there is hope. God is working behind the scenes to prepare His bride for His return. He calls us to hear His whisper, repent, and return to our first love and first works. As more believers respond to this call, the church will be ready for the Lord's return and the ushering in of His kingdom.

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