The Atlantic States Christian Convocations were held in the mid 1960s in Wabanna, Maryland. The speakers at the Wabanna conferences were typically, Devern Fromke, T. Austin-Sparks, and Stephen Kaung.
The uncovered tapes were buried in a secluded corner of a closet. They posed a challenge because there had never been transposed to more 'modern' cassette tapes and were still in their original reel-to-reel format. Thankfully, buried just next to the tapes was an old reel-to-reel tape deck that actually works, and the quality of the old tapes is surprisingly good.
The conferences typically started on a Sunday evening and ran through Saturday. The conference facilities were less luxurious than those to which we have become accustomed. The facility had no air conditioning and the unspoken dress code was suit-and-tie for men. Despite what we today would consider unbearable conditions, these believers sought the Lord and He met them. Hopefully, these old recordings will impact you like it did our older brothers and sisters 32 years ago.
The messages that we have online from this conference are shown in the table below that also reflects the schedule of the conference.