Occupy Till I Come

October 10th, 2014
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This books is a transcript of ministries given by Stephen Kaung in October of 2014 at The North East Christian Conference in Harvey Cedars New Jersey. 

The theme of this conference is "occupy till I come" or as the Darby version says, "trade while I am coming" which I think is more vivid. What are we to be occupied with? Trading. Why? Because He is coming.

I think we are all aware that the coming of the Lord is very imminent. Everything seems to be telling us the world has come to an end and the Lord is coming to establish His kingdom upon this earth. What a glad tiding this is! His coming is what we are all expecting. I believe the Lord can come back at any time. We do not need to wait for more prophecies to be fulfilled, for our understanding is that all the prophecies preceding the coming of the Lord have already come to pass. The next event is the coming of the Lord, and we are at this very juncture. On the one hand, it is quite thrilling to think that we may be the ones who will be caught up to the throne to welcome the return of our Lord. On the other hand, it is a very solemn thing to think: What if He were to come now? Would all of us be caught up to the throne? Or would some be left? This is a very serious time that we are living in, so it is essential that we consider what the Lord has said: "Trade for I am coming."

Scriptures Referenced
Luke 19:13

13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.

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