Mysteries of the Kingdom: Sower & Tares

June 30th, 1992
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In Matthew chapter 13, Jesus explains the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven through eight parables. The disciples inquire why He speaks in parables, to which He responds that they are granted knowledge of these mysteries, while others are not. The parables include the sower, the tares, the mustard seed, the leaven, the treasure, the pearl, the dragnet, and the scribe. Each parable reveals different aspects of the kingdom, emphasizing that understanding is granted to those who seek it earnestly. Christian highlights the importance of simplicity in interpreting these parables, noting that the Lord provides clarity in His explanations. The mysteries are new revelations that were hidden until now, and they signify a turning point in understanding God's kingdom. The parables illustrate that the kingdom is both new and rooted in Old Testament prophecies. Christian emphasizes that the true mystery lies in recognizing Jesus as the King of this kingdom, who embodies both suffering and glory. The message encourages believers to embrace the teachings of Jesus and to understand their role as sons of the kingdom, sown in the world to bear fruit until the end of the age.

Outline of Main Points

  1. Introduction to Matthew 13 and the parables.
  2. Disciples' inquiry about parables and Jesus' response.
  3. Overview of the eight parables and their significance.
  4. Importance of simplicity in interpretation.
  5. The mysteries as new revelations of God's kingdom.
  6. Connection to Old Testament prophecies.
  7. Recognition of Jesus as the King of the kingdom.
  8. Encouragement for believers to understand their role in the kingdom.
Scriptures Referenced
Matthew 13:10

10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?

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